Registering as a government agency

Registering as a government agency on ADAMftd allows you to access tailored features and services that support regulatory compliance, market monitoring, and efficient supply chain management specific to public sector needs.

1. Select Your Registration Type

  • You will see three options: Private Business (includes self-employed), Government Agency/Ministry, and Other.
  • Click on the option labeled "Government Agency/Ministry." The selected option will be highlighted to indicate your choice.

2. After selecting "Government Agency/Ministry," click the "Continue" button to proceed with the registration process.

3. Enter Government Agency Name: Type the name of your government agency into the "Government Agency Name" field. For example, "Department of Agriculture, Peninsular, Malaysia."

4. Select Department: Click on the dropdown menu labeled "Department" and select the appropriate department from the list of options.

5. Select Type of Agency: Click on the dropdown menu labeled "What Type of Agency Are You Working For?" and choose the type that best describes your agency.

6. Select Role Function: Click on the dropdown menu labeled "Which Function Best Describes Your Role?" and select the option that best matches your job function.

7. Enter Work Email Address: Type your work-provided email address into the "What Is Your Work Email Address?" field. Ensure it is a valid work email. Check the box that states, "I promise this is my work email," to confirm the email is work-related.

8. Enter Website Address (URL):  Type your agency's website address into the "Website Address (URL)" field. Ensure it matches the correct website syntax (e.g.,  

9. Once all fields are correctly filled out, click the "Continue" button to proceed with the registration process.

10. Indicate Your Goals for Using ADAMftd: On the goals selection page, you are asked to specify your primary objectives for using ADAMftd.

11. Select at least one and up to three goals that best align with your agency's needs by clicking the checkboxes next to each option.

12. Confirm Your Selection: After selecting your goals, click the "CONFIRM" button to finalize your registration process.

Congratulations! You are now registered as a user!

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Select your registration type
Registering as a company (or self-employed)